目前分類:露牙齦或牙肉 Gummy Smile (6)

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"Escape from the world, and timeless correction results."
“  We use simple lines and curves to express extremely complicated orthodontic thinking , we chase logic from the beauty. So, we can create elegant and natural curvature and results of the face and dentition. We focus on the facial changes from the orthodontic treatment alone. It's a process of magnification.  Its effects are far from what the straight dentition can provide."    -Dr. CLY
"Escape from the world, and timeless correction results."

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這位是我的"朋友病人" (so called "patient friend"), 她在做矯正前, 主要是不喜歡自己笑起來"會露牙齦", 還有"上下顎骨"覺得太突出.

經過檢查也發現她少了一顆下顎的小門牙, 所以我告訴她矯正可以幫她改善目前的問題.

但是!做完後的咬合會有牙齒中線上下無法對齊的情況, 此時她告訴我: "外觀和笑容是她想做矯正的最重要因素".

我想我會盡力把咬合對到最完美, 以下是她的治療前後的改變


This is my so-called patient friend, Vivian. She complained of protrusive face and smile with bad appearance.  After the full orthodontic and dental check-up. I notice she is a bimaxillary protrusion with gummy smile patient. This is very common in the Asian society. Therefore, I explain the possible treatment plan for her and deicide to take out 4 bicuspid in order to improve her facial profile.

However, the missing lower one incisor would definitely make my treatment result not perfect. But, she expressed the best thing for her braces done is the facial smile and the pleasant appearance.

I said, ok, I'll do my best to make her orthodontic second to none!!!





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    “We don't want the orthodontic treatment is for aligning teeth only. We always think about this way: what would it be after 2 year, 5 year or even 10 year? What would be the role of the treatment result?”


    "We hope the patients are confident and grateful. We pursue the excellence of details, and this is the respect of nature. So, it is possible to become timeless."





    Gummy smile is one of the hardest treatment in orthodontics. Many patients want this problem to be corrected by braces only, however the answer may be no in many situation according to the patient-doctor's consultation.


    In the following patient, her gummy smile problem is from vertical too-long skeletal structure. Too much forward projection of the maxilla bone is also noticed. Therefore, we decide to extract upper teeth to retract the upper jaw and push the upper teeth upward by miniscrews as anchorage. The final procedure is periodontal surgery to reduce the excessive gingival tissue and to make the smile more beautiful.








    如果只是考慮上顎前牙的上提或壓入,而忽略掉其實齒列矯正必須同時也將後方牙齒上移,否則就會產生『前牙開咬』的現象,『開咬 Open Bite』的副作用。所以齒顎矯正牙齦外露,絕非單純而又容易的事。再將前排牙齒上移的過程,同時必須注意是否左右邊的牙齒切端是否有對稱,是否有形成理想的曲線。


     If we only consider intrusion or lift the upper anterior teeth without moving the posterior teeth upward, the open bite will happen. Therefore, correction of the gummy smile problem is never easy. In the correcting process, the doctor also needs to verify if the left and right teeth are symmetrical or balanced (so called smile arc).




















    After the dentition is moved in the great position, now we need to consider if the facial profile, the anterior angulations, the bite are perfect to enter the final stage of the orthodontic treatment. The periodontal tissue covered the teeth, so it affects the look of the smile. We can choose laser or other surgical tools to remove the excessive gum tissue. Not only the gummy smile can be corrected, but the face is most desirable result that amazes us!  



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我們不希望矯正的目的是為了齒列整齊而已,同樣是矯正治療,但是經過了二年、五年、甚至十年,這樣的排列給了患者什麼樣的表情與意義?我們希望患者是自信的、是感謝的。我們追求細節,就是對追求-美麗臉部自然的尊崇。這樣才有可能雋永。』 -CLY 


    “We don't want the orthodontic treatment is for aligning teeth only. We always think about this way: what would it be after 2 year, 5 year or even 10 year? What would be the role of the treatment result?”


    "We hope the patients are confident and grateful. We pursue the excellence of details, and this is the respect of nature. So, it is possible to become timeless."




    很特別地,齊杏矯正的病人大都是懂矯正的,都是為了更高層次的矯正治療而來,鮮少有只要求將齒列排整齊而已。原本已經整齊的齒列,很難說服其他人,自己需要矯正齒列的理由,然而當我們比對矯正前後的臉型與側顱 x ray ,即不難發現,原本過於前凸的直立上排前牙與過於明顯外暴的齒槽骨。






























    We always chase the facial changes from orthodontics. For example, from the distance between the nose and upper anterior teeth, we can judge the dramatic change of the face. It's absolutely greater than general dentistry. We chase this, because it can turn ordinary things to magic.  




























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       『 矯正過程中產生牙齦外露?是不是越矯正越糟糕?』牙齦外露其實伴隨在許多平常的矯正客群中,而常常來診詢問治療的可能性。它是屬於矯正治療中的困難案例,而導致醫師也許會認為病患是『過於挑剔』或『追求完美』的客人,而乾脆直接建議手術治療,似乎沒有其他方法可以解決這樣惱人的美觀問題。



















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    我採用的方式是利用骨性錨定(Skeletal Anchorage)來將上顎牙齒往上、往後移動。這是過去單靠拔牙的矯正方式無法達到的效果!過去做不到的原因是在於矯正醫師沒有將牙齒向上拉的 “力量著力”來源。





  當代有了小小的四根骨性錨定裝置,放置於前牙區,即是用來將牙齒往上移動,而放置於後牙區的目的是將前牙往後移。 這位病患的結果是連外科醫師都懷疑她到底做了哪些整形或為整形手術,X光已經告訴您答案是『純矯正治療』!











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