這位是我的"朋友病人" (so called "patient friend"), 她在做矯正前, 主要是不喜歡自己笑起來"會露牙齦", 還有"上下顎骨"覺得太突出.
經過檢查也發現她少了一顆下顎的小門牙, 所以我告訴她矯正可以幫她改善目前的問題.
但是!做完後的咬合會有牙齒中線上下無法對齊的情況, 此時她告訴我: "外觀和笑容是她想做矯正的最重要因素".
我想我會盡力把咬合對到最完美, 以下是她的治療前後的改變
This is my so-called patient friend, Vivian. She complained of protrusive face and smile with bad appearance. After the full orthodontic and dental check-up. I notice she is a bimaxillary protrusion with gummy smile patient. This is very common in the Asian society. Therefore, I explain the possible treatment plan for her and deicide to take out 4 bicuspid in order to improve her facial profile.
However, the missing lower one incisor would definitely make my treatment result not perfect. But, she expressed the best thing for her braces done is the facial smile and the pleasant appearance.
I said, ok, I'll do my best to make her orthodontic second to none!!!