The following patient actually has combined facial asymmetry, bimaxillary protrusion and small chin problems. Most doctors will think of extraction to align the teeth perfectly. However, the harmonized, balanced, and symmetrical facial profile is what I'm looking for in the first sight. Also, it's very challenge.
Talking abou the design of biomechanism, I'd say simply. It is how to find the best position to place the upper and lower dentition to the right position in terms of nose, lips and the chin.
Extraction is just making the space more usable for retraction and correct the midline. More importantly, is how to correct the occlusal plane and auto-rotate the mandible to make the bite differently. Also, the amount of retraction will also be different. The reason is when the more prominent nasolabial angle and more beautiful lip-mental curve are developed; the perfect anterior teeth relationship then can be decided.