
    “We don't want the orthodontic treatment is for aligning teeth only. We always think about this way: what would it be after 2 year, 5 year or even 10 year? What would be the role of the treatment result?”
    "We hope the patients are confident and grateful. We pursue the excellence of details, and this is the respect of nature. So, it is possible to become timeless."






    When this patient came to my clinic and asked for braces, we noticed that her lower teeth were completely cover the upper teeth. She said it's very sad for this bite for a long time.


    What is "pseudo-class III occlusion"? It is defined by when we want to bit together, the lower teeth can not be occluded directly due to the interference. So there is another better bite position to make the bite more comfortably. However, the lower teeth become more front of the upper teeth. So, we call this situation: pseudo-class III. It means it not really skeletal problem. If the skeletal problem happens, only surgery can help it. 


    When this patient knew she is not a really class III problem, as you can imagine how happy she was. 








    When we look at the lower dentition, there are many space between different teeth. So, if we close all of them and try to move the whole dentition back, the extraction is avoid!!!


    The correct diagnosis and treatment planning is more important than everything! Because after the most decent treatment planning and discussion, you will understand where is the limit of the orthodontic treatment. We don't want any subjective thinning instead of not looking at the data. It's a life-long issue!













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