


        “We don't want the orthodontic treatment is for aligning teeth only. We always think about this way: what would it be after 2 year, 5 year or even 10 year? What would be the role of the treatment result?”




        "We hope the patients are confident and grateful. We pursue the excellence of details, and this is the respect of nature. So, it is possible to become timeless."








    本案例是年輕的高中生,對於外觀正因為同儕關係的逐漸成熟,而開始愛漂亮,希望自己有日也能像明星般的追逐自己的理想。由 X ray不難發現上顎前牙的角度是遠遠過大的,這也讓臉型外觀不夠好看,所幸我同時也診斷出他有足夠的下顎骨聯合(symphysis),能夠在適度的前牙後移後,形成足夠的下巴曲線,上顎鼻唇角度,也會因為原本已經精緻的鼻型,而更產生更加優美的姿態。




    This patient is a high school student. Due to the maturity of peer group, he becomes care more about the appearance. It's easy to recognize that he has very large anterior incisor angulation, which makes the soft tissue profile too protrusive. However, we found that he has very good hard tissue structure, such as the symphysis area, which can help improve a lot after the repression of the anterior  teeth. 




















    His treatment time is about 2 years. The treatment outcomes include better nasoalbial angle, better nose profile, better chin projection and more beautiful smile. Different to other patients, he is very cooperative and maintains very good habit of wearing retainers. Surprisedly, he continues to have my treatment follow up till 6 years later and received dental bleaching.



























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    CLY Orthodontics Studio | 齊杏歯顎矯正專科

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