『我們不喜歡太過突兀的臉部線條,因為容易讓人覺得是造作的; 我們無法創作臉部藝術,但是好看的矯正效果是經過適當轉換的,這包含保有原來每個人特有的特徵,利用牙齒的相對位置與關係,賦予臉部獨特優雅的表情。』








    What does the beautiful life look like? It should be a feeling and even so call an imagination.  We all desire a purer life and simpler environment. The same thing happens to the perspective of our appearance. The orthodontic treatment is the most worthy treatment in the field of dentistry, because it can make our facial profile prettier. Moreover, it helps the maintenance of the oral health.  This will make the caries rate or the coincidence of periodontal disease less. 







    Lots of people do not really understand their  orthodontic problem before they come to our clinic. That's because their dental experience remains with the treatment time, extraction or not and the cost.

    However, after seeing our treatment process and understand our treatment effects, it's not difficult to know that the best treatment result is after well diagnosed and perfectly designed treatment options. This includes extremely strict treatment planning and thinking, discussion between the patients and the orthodontist. We'll never start with the treatment planning and then know what the diagnosis is, because it's wrong and will make the patient to spend more time and money.   







    This case is treated by extraction of four bicuspids and retraction of the anterior teeth by using the miniscrews as anchorage. A good work makes the patient and doctor unforgettable-how happy the change was going to be.  This indeed is one of the best part of achievement of beautiful life.  




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    This article shares the almost impossible orthodontic treatment alone case. She is a bimaxillary protrusion with open bite and steep FMA patient. As you can see the crown length in the posterior teeth is so short due to the occlusion. We almost can't find the space for the placement of the brackets. So, it's impossible for orthodontist to treat!



Chin Fan Page.001  




    However, she is very cooperative and trust what I said for the diagnosis and treatment plan without surgery. Then we started the long journey. The treatment plan included extraction of the premolars with 4 miniscrews for the anchorage.  The treatment time is 1 and half year so far. The extraction space is almost closed. However, we haven't said it's finished.

    完美了嗎? No



如蕭伯納 (George Bernard Shaw)所說:如果這世界完好,一點問題都沒有,我們不就無事可做了。 If there was nothing wrong in the world, there wouldn't be anything for us to do.



     Is is perfect? No



    The future treatment will focus on the whole dentition distillation to make the chin and nose more prominent. We want to have more amazing curvature between the lips, nose and chin. We want to have more proper proportion without the help of surgery. As Bernard Shaw says: if there was nothing wrong in the world, there wouldn't be anything for us to do. 





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